Tuesday 29 March 2011

adverts analysis 1 CN

Advert 1 Persil gel tablets
In advert one the story is of different children and their activities outside where they could possibly get dirty in the outdoors. In the adverts the characters are two girls running through a field, a boy pretend fighting, Dad and son fishing and a girl playing football. The conflicts in these adverts are is that they have got dirt on their clothes and how are they going to them clean again so they use Persil colour gel tablets.
In the Persil advert they use many different types of camera shots and angles, to show what is happening in the advert they use mainly medium shots to show what is happening in most of the shop. In the advert they also use close ups to show detail or the expression on the characters faces in the advert, to show their feelings.
In this advert they have used for their colour scheme as mainly green and brown, to show that they are outside and are enjoying nature and are not worried getting dirty, most of the children in the advert have white or bright  clothing to show how dirty they can get when their outside.
The target audience for this product will be parents buying Persil as it is a good for their children’s clothing as it promises brilliant cleaning for vibrant colours.
In the advert the main advertising technique, in this advert is the promise of benefit for the parents because however vibrant the clothing it will still make it clean. In this advert they also use the nurture technique for the parent looking after their child in the best way by using Persil. Another technique that is used is escape as the advert shows the child escaping, and being in a world of their own which will appeal to children watching as they will want to do that.         

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