Thursday 15 September 2011

Advert 1 reflection

Ben Arnold – Persil Advertisement 1 Reflection
This advertisement used a couple of advertising techniques, which were promise of benefit and nurture. Both of them could be used to great effect, and I think that, if we pulled off this advertisement as well as we’d hoped, they would’ve been good ones to use. On reflection, I wish we had used many more techniques, because the advert needs to be more elaborate and professional.
To be honest, we made this advertisement during the editing process itself, because it turned out nothing like we had planned. We planned, shot, edited and exported the film in the space of a few hours, so the editing process was the most important section of this production for us. We made a few decisions regarding the continuity, because we originally planned the shots to be in a completely different order, but decided, with the time we had left, that we had to finish the advertisement as quickly as possible. Just like with the football advertisement, we really did need to leave ourselves more time.
I think this advertisement more than the other is a bit more persuasive. I think more people, especially parents, would prefer to buy Persil on the basis of seeing this advertisement over the football one. The fact that this advertisement involves somebody’s mother as an unseen character insinuates that other parents would appreciate it a little more than watching a child get bullied into washing someone’s clothes for them.
This advertisement is completely ineffective, it doesn’t promote Persil in any way whatsoever, because when the mother texts the protagonist saying “have you done the washing?” she could mean washing the dishes, or washing the car.
There are tonnes of ways we could improve this advertisement, for a start, we need to leave ourselves a lot more time, and even though I sound like a broken record with the time thing, it really was an issue. We thought that the time we had would be enough to plan and create two whole advertisements, as well as working on projects parallel to this with the other teachers. Oh how wrong we were. As with the other, we needed to include a scene of him actually washing the clothes, or at least an animation regarding the cleaning power of Persil. I guess that’s another way to improve it for next time.
Next time I would definitely take note of everything that went wrong this time, and we would certainly try to address those issues as well as we possibly can. For example, as mentioned, a strong bad point of the advertisement is certainly the acting, so next time, we would gather better actors and definitely make sure the advertisement itself is fool-proof in the planning stages. Purely because it was the bad planning, and awful acting that made the advert poorer than it could’ve been.

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